Yeah, and a %@#! Saint Harlequin's Day to thee too.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
The March of Authority
According to an article that I just found laying around on the police are hitting the bricks again along my favorite haunt, Mill Avenue. The article starts out extremely well, in my vision, issuing notes about extremely useful things that having officers on foot patrol does for the population. Anyone who has watched police officers ride past on their bicycles, noses in the air.
This is not a bad thing.
The police are our civilian warders, although many place themselves and act like a sort of paramilitary and literally look down on the civilians whom they are dutybound to protect this is a sociological problem that is created by the cliques of the profession and I might mention is felt rather palpably by a great deal of people who live on the Ave. The more people lend to disconnect them from the goings-on of the street the worse this behavior can only become. Bringing them back into the fold should help build a bit more tolerance on both sides.
For the most part police officers on patrol and denizens of the street don't scrape against one another--transients, Mill rats, tourists, college students, none of these groups have any reason to tangle with the police. But, when people come together there are always those times when friction becomes fire. These times are when it is best that our warders are aware of and sensitive to all the cultural innuendo that drenches the Ave and don't end up inflicting more injury when they attempt to help out.
So, I say to people. See a police officer walking the beat on our red bricks and say, "Hello." Make sure that they know they're welcome. Get to know them. They may be in uniforms, they may have guns, but they're people just like we are.
If the Ave is going to be a worthwhile place for all of us we must embrace all comers -- especially our civil protectors.
Posted by
Kyt Dotson
2/14/2007 09:54:00 PM
Monday, February 05, 2007
Vexations Volume 4: Portents - Released to Print!
Mill Avenue Vexations Volume 4: Portents by Kyt Dotson has officially been released to print, e-book, and HTML! It is right now available for pre-order in our online store (copies will become available very soon as they are being printed right now.)
As per usual, a run of one-hundred is on the presses right now that will be released for free on Mill Avenue and the surroundings, while a small set will be held aside for people who are out of state who would like to support this project. Don’t miss out on owning one of our collectible booklets, Vexations is a piece of Tempe history and is slowly becoming a mantelpiece of readers on the Ave.
Also, if you happen to like the cover art go to the artist’s thread in our forums and give her some props! Her name is Marlon Teunissen and she did a stunningly good job.
Posted by
Kyt Dotson
2/05/2007 07:02:00 PM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Mill Avenue Nights: Feb 3rd 2007
This post is going to be a short one, seeing as how an entire week has gone by since my excursion.
The most notable thing that I can report on from the 6th is that I met the Mural Mice. What is a mural mouse? you're probably wondering. Well, they are a pair of extremely interesting people who came down to my beautiful Ave from Prescott, Arizona. They are called mural mice because they paint murals and have recently been part of some projects in that region of the state.
The most amusing and striking thing about them had to be their lovely hats, which looked like brown berets with mouse ears attached.
Posted by
Kyt Dotson
2/04/2007 12:00:00 PM